Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Icon Analysis

Icons are everywhere in popular culture through all facet of society.  Some examples of icons representation are the music we listened to, television ads, movies, and in our everyday living.  It in this content that I choose three icons of relevance: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, Whitney Houston and McDonald’s Restaurants.  Mr.  Mandela is one of the world’s most renowned freedom fighters.  Ms. Houston graced the world with her voice.  McDonald’s Restaurant is a mainstay in everyone’s memory since our childhood.

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, the distinguished African national liberator, was born in Umtata, in the Transkei territory of South Africa. He rose to prominence with the ANC protesting against the South African government and its system of apartheid. In 1962, Mr. Mandela was cast-away for life on Robben Island as a result of sabotage and conspiracy charges. He gained his freedom on February 11, 1990.  He succeeded in becoming the first black president of South Africa in 1994. His most admired honor was the Nobel Prize that he won with Frederick W. de Klerk, for their work in ensuring South Africa's peaceful conversion to all-inclusive democracy.  Mr. Mandela proved that patience is a virtue and that through great resolved one will endure regardless of the situation.  He once stated "Ours is a journey of hope and resilience, we dare not linger, for our long walk is not yet ended." His soaring legacy according to the President of the US can be summarized by one African word “Ubuntu”-human kindness.  That is how we should live our life.

Whitney Houston, the legendary pop singer whose legacy will live on in pop culture for centuries through her beautiful voice.  As an American icon, she was a gift to the world with her musical voice.  She knew her ability, and worked hard to perfect it.  At her best, she exemplified perfection and categorical talent in executing her singing.  In my opinion, everyone has something to offer.  As such, we must identify our uniqueness and strive to use it make this world a better place to live.  Her version of the song “I Will Always Love You” is one the biggest pop seller of all time.  Probably the most spine wrenching rendition of the American National Anthem-Star Spangled Banner is one that sang at the 1990 Super Bowl. 

McDonald's Restaurant remains concreted in pop culture as a place where one can enjoy an affordable meal with friends, and family almost anywhere you go in the world.  It is the world’s largest fast food hamburger restaurant with over 60 million customers served daily in approximately 120 countries.  One of the unique appeals of the restaurants is that it serves a very diverse clientele. On any given day, you can have business executives ordering or sitting beside bus drivers.  Another feature of the restaurants is the indoor/outdoor playgrounds located in most suburban communities.  As a kid growing up, I look forward to Sunday evenings at local McDonald’s with my parents and siblings.  Even though I do not eat there much, every now and then I will go to grab a small order of the best “french fries” in fast food land.  

In summary, these icons are significant part of our everyday living. Mr. Mandela’s humbleness and patience will be an inspiration for generations to come.  Ms. Houston’s music will continue to motivate and uplift the masses.  McDonald will last  a long time with its tasty “french fries” throughout world.

Browne, R. (2005). Profiles of popular culture. Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press. Petracca, M., & Sorapure, M. (2012). Common culture: Reading and writing about american popular culture. (7th ed.). Columbus, Ohio: Pearson.                                                                                                   Whitney houston is dead . (2012, February 11). The Gleaner. Retrieved from http://jamaica-gleaner.com/latest/article.php?id=35204                                                                                       Obama: 'we will not likely see the likes of nelson mandela again' . (2013, December 06). The Gleaner. Retrieved from http://jamaica-gleaner.com/latest/article.php?id=49775


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